

信息来自:廊坊中科远迪化工防腐技术有限公司 孔女士 0316-6066621   发布日期:2015年4月7日
About the water-based coating
一、 什么叫水性涂料
First: What is water-based coating?
Any coating use of water as solvent or dispersion medium can be calLED water-based coating.
二、 水性涂料的特点:
Second: Feature of water-based coating:
Water-based coatings have features of safe and environmental protection. It contains non organic, solvents, non-toxic, non irritating smell, noncombustible, not burst, not pollute the environment, simple construction, safe and convenient.
Adhesion: this is one of most important nature of water-based paint. Take Water-based inorganic zinc-rich paint as an example, the underlying zinc powder can form a very strong attachment with metal substrate so that prevent the film cracking and corrosion migrating.     
Weather resistance: this is another important performance of water-based paint. Because most of the ingredients of such coating are inorganic, it cannot be oxidized and resistance to chemical radiation of sunlight, and the circumstance of powdering, cracking or falling off will not occur under long-term exposure.
Wear resistance: take waterborne polyurethane coating as an example, its rub resistance is several times than similar solvent-based coatings.
Heat resistance: take ceramic coating as an example, it combined with polysiloxane (Si-O-Si) in the formation of solidified layer, this combination energy of Si-O bond for 106kcal/mol is much higher than the formation energy (82.6kcal/mol) of organic polymers C-C bond, so they have more heat resistance.
Safety: most inorganic coating do not use organic solvent as thinner, so it has no flash point or burning. As various types of construction are without need for strict fire prevention measures, it greatly simplifies the conditions of storage, transportation and construction, and improves safety.
耐辐射性:Oakr idge国家实验室实验表明,由无机锌粉底漆和无机面漆组成的无机涂层已通过1×1010RaS累计辐射试验。该类涂料可以用在可能发生强辐射量的核电厂设备上。
Radiation resistance: Oakr idge National Laboratory experiments show that the inorganic coating layer composed by inorganic zinc primer and inorganic topcoat, has pass through the 1 × 1010RaS accumulative radiation experiments. Such coatings can be used in nuclear power plant equipments in case of strong radiation occurring probably.
Solvent resistance: It is also an important nature of water-based coating. They almost are insoluble in all hydrocarbon solvent, just as gasoline, toluene, xylene and other aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic petroleum products, and has a strong resistance to strong solvent (ethers, ketones and chlorinated hydrocarbons).
抗静电性:一般有机涂层容易产生静电,不但会发生危险,而且也易沾污尘埃,而水性涂料的无机涂层相对导电性较好,尤其无机富锌底漆的电阻率一般为103~108 Ω,符合石油部防静电指标。
Antistatic: ordinary organic coating layer easily produces static electricity to cause not only dangerous, but also easily contaminated dust. But inorganic coating layer of water-based paints has relatively good electrical conductivity, in particular, the resistivity of inorganic zinc-rich primer meet the ESD indicators of the Ministry of Oil with general 103 ~ 108 Ω.
三、 水性涂料的发展前景:
Future development of waterborne coatings:
Talking in relative terms, the solvent-based coatings has ruLED the world for nearly a century, however, the water-based coatings is a new force in the coatings industry, and its birth and development are mainly driven due to progressive cognitive about importance of the human environmental protection. Since 1966, California promulgated and carried out the first volatile organic compounds (VOC) act, as well as elevating to the height of laws and regulations to strictly control VOC emissions and limit production and usage of high-VOC products. Because of its very low VOC content and energy conservation of waterborne coatings, the water-based coatings have become the mainstream in modern industrial development.
According to statistics of manufactures of coating products in various regions of the world, water-based industrial coatings in North America accounted for 43%, and solvent-based industrial coatings account for only 51%; water-based industrial coatings in Western Europe account for 34%, and solvent-based industrial coatings account for only 52%; However, in China, only 15% water-based industrial coatings, solvent-based industrial coatings is as high as 80.5%. Thus, we have still a big gap with the developed countries in the waterborne coatings area.
首先,随着生活水平的日益提高,人们在装修的过程中越来越关注环保与健康,推动了对水性涂料的需求。 其次,近年来我国涂料业在水性涂料的研究、生产和应用等方面正以前所未有的速度向前推进,新产品层出不穷,扩大了水性涂料的市场空间。 第三,国家在政策法规等方面积极加以引导,其中2006年颁布的《ISO14020国际标准配套涂料技术标准》对规范和促进水性涂料健康发展将起到非常积极的作用。*后,前些年由于水性涂料在价格方面的劣势,在一定程度上制约了其市场发展,而今年以来,原油价格出现了大幅度上涨,导致各地油性涂料的价格被迫不断提升,有的甚至已高过一些水性涂料,这种情况从某种程度上也推动了水性涂料的发展,使有些地方的水性涂料出现了令人振奋的旺销局面,这不能不说是水性涂料发展的一个难得的机遇。
Firstly, with the rising standard of living, people become increasingly concerned about the process of environmental protection and health, which push forward the need of water-based coating. Secondly, our research, production and application of water-based paint industry are moving forward with unprecedented speed in recent years, and an endless stream of new products expanded water-based coatings market space. Thirdly, the Nation actively guide in the aspects of policies and regulations, of which the ISO14020 matching paint international technical standards was enacted in 2006, will play a very active role to regulate and promote the healthy development of water-based coatings. Finally, as water-based paint had disadvantage in the price a few years ago, its market development was restricted in some extent. In this year, the sharp rise of price of crude oil LED to a constantly upgrade price of solvent-based industrial coatings and some even have been higher than water-based coatings. This situation also contributed to the development of waterborne coatings, in some places it appeared exciting strong sales situation, it must be said that it is a rare opportunity for the development of water-based paint.
Now, it may be said the development of waterborne coatings in our country totally dominated opportune time, advantageous terrain and popular support, and Chinas water-based paint industry will leap forward. The number of expected participants who would take part in the third environmentally friendly water-based resins and coatings technology seminar held in Wuxi is160, but the actual number nearly exceeds doubLED. The scene of a galaxy of talent is the best proof of water-based paint flourishing!