Popular Choices of Home Decor Fabric

The choice of fabric plays an essential role in your home decor; therefore you need to select carefully taking into consideration not only the overall style of your room, but the fabric's characteristics as well. If you use wrong kind of fabric for your coach or draperies, it can spoil the whole look. The most common types of home decor fabric may or may not suit your home. The following tips should make it easier for you to make your choice.


Silk is a luxurious choice for home decor fabric. It is expensive (unless it is fake) and beautiful; many people just love it. However, as home decor fabric silk may look rather heavy in appearance and is not appropriate for many things.

If you want to use silk for your draperies, by all means do so. Just be sure that the color you are using is not very dark, otherwise the effect might be overwhelming. Silk is best for draperies when it is in light colors.

Silk works best as home decor fabric for bedroom sets. Not only do silk sheets feel nice, they also look nice adding a sensuous touch to your bedroom. Silk is rather fancy, yet useful home decor fabric.


Velvet is quite tricky fabric to decorate with. While it can look nice in some homes, it can also look quite ugly in others. It all depends on the overall scheme of the home decor. As a rule, velvet looks nice as upholstery and as draperies only in a home that is striving for that Victorian look.

However, if you still want to use velvet as home decor fabric in spite of your home not having a Victorian look, you can do so keeping in mind a few things. Velvet fades easily when placed in sunlight, stains are hard to remove from it, and it also has a tendency to attract lint and dirt.


If there was ever a home decor fabric that works well in any form, it is cotton. Just as cotton works well for attire, so it also works well for all types of home decor. Use it as upholstery for furniture or for draperies. It can easily be cleaned, and can be fade-resistant.

Other Home Decor Fabrics

If you want to use any other type of home decor fabric, it is wise to do a web research on it and compare it with other types. Apart from the Internet, you can get the necessary information in home decor magazines. Whatever choice you make, just ensure that the home decor fabric you selected is fitting into your home style harmoniously.