Inspecting Home Windows

Purchasing a residence is very much a visual experience. Inspecting home windows is one way to evaluate the quality of the home.

In real estate, the term curb appeal is bandied about frequently and rightly so. Curb appeal refers to visual appeal of a home and highlights a very important aspect of the buying process. Simply put, many people have an emotional reaction to a property and choose to make an offer or not make an offer based on that emotional tie. While you obviously want a home you find attractive, paying close attention to the details is extremely important.

One of the tricks to evaluating a home is to closely inspect the windows. They say that eyes are the paths to a person's soul. Windows serve the same function when it comes to homes. Windows can tell you the overall quality of a home based on their type and construction. They can also give you insight to how the home has been maintained by focusing on their current condition. It is a rare day that windows on a property do not reflect the overall quality of the structure.

When inspecting home windows, you want to focus on a number of things. The first is the type of window that exists, to wit, single or double pane. Double pane windows offer far more insulation properties than single pane. Unless the area of the country you are living in is perpetually hot, such as Arizona, double pane windows are signs of quality. Also ask to see the documentation on the 'R' rating of the windows. This term refers to the ability of the window to act as an insulator with a rating of 7 being excellent.

One of the tricks to evaluating a home is to closely inspect the windows. They say that eyes are the paths to a person's soul. Windows serve the same function when it comes to homes. Windows can tell you the overall quality of a home based on their type and construction. They can also give you insight to how the home has been maintained by focusing on their current condition. It is a rare day that windows on a property do not reflect the overall quality of the structure.

When inspecting home windows, you want to focus on a number of things. The first is the type of window that exists, to wit, single or double pane. Double pane windows offer far more insulation properties than single pane. Unless the area of the country you are living in is perpetually hot, such as Arizona, double pane windows are signs of quality. Also ask to see the documentation on the 'R' rating of the windows. This term refers to the ability of the window to act as an insulator with a rating of 7 being excellent.