Modern Vanities and Other Bathroom Furniture

Over the last decade or so, bathrooms have evolved from functional rooms to sanctuaries within our homes. As a result, there has been a boom of options for every aspect of the bathroom from the cabinetry to the toilets, sinks, showers, tubs, and more. The entire bathroom has evolved and it is truly a beautiful thing.

The vanities of days long past were excellent places for women to prepare for the day; offering one convenient place where women cold brush or comb their hair, apply makeup, or even dress. The vanity was a focal point for the bedroom or washroom and had a very specific yet important purpose. This, of course, holds true for the vanities of today. However, today's vanities aren't reserved for women alone.

Vanities are no longer simple staples of a room; today's vanities are often incorporated into the overall design of the room. People tend to choose bathroom designs that are not only functional and practical but beautiful as well. Bathrooms are no longer the red headed stepchildren of design there are designers that make their fortunes alone on bathrooms. People want bathrooms that reflect their personal styles or encourage a particular mood or atmosphere. When selecting your bathroom vanity, keep in mind the overall design you are hoping to achieve within the room and make sure the vanity you select will either accommodate or enhance that general theme.

When choosing furniture for your bathroom there are a few things you absolutely must consider and the first and foremost among those is space. How much useable floor space is your bathroom really going to have? It might be best to go with minimal furniture if you are short on space and opt for shelves and things that do not require a great amount of actual floor space.

The other consideration is function. How much furniture, shelving, or cabinet space do you really need? If your bathroom is small, can hair styling and makeup be done elsewhere? What absolutely must be kept in the bathroom and what absolutely can't be accomplished elsewhere? There are many modern vanities available to the discerning consumer be sure to choose one that will fit the room as well as the decor of the room you are trying to create.