Produce a Mural on Your Wall

Many design solutions are made obtainable to consumers in department stores as ready-made answers to design dilemmas. These design solutions though made to make life easier and simpler, at times do not realize even the least of our expectations. Sometimes, the greatest fulfillment comes in exploring our own creative tendencies in order to arrive at the answers ourselves.

Walls are one of the biggest challenges - both figuratively and literally - that everyone has to face when designing a room. A enormous blank wall may feel daunting, but many brave souls have achieved and conquered, and they aren't all professionals, they are do-it-yourselfers!

This article will help you create a work of art on your wall that is both artistic and reflective of who you are.

Murals - both done in freehand or by using stencils - are an ingenious way to solve wall dilemmas. These are great ways to add personal identity to the wall and at the same time pacify all of the color requirements or designs you wish to achieve.

Let's Begin with an Idea

Murals whether done in freehand or stencils must commence with an end in mind. This means finding the design you want to assimilate, the theme you want to portray, and the colors you want to use to conceive a working roadmap.

Take into consideration the room you are going to put the mural in, as well as the person or persons who will be the primary users of the room. This will help you visualize the infusion of colors that can be used, the kind of colors, as well as the freedom of design.

A theme is a good way to create this roadmap. For children's rooms, for example, you may use a jungle theme, which will allow the use of varying shades of greens, browns, as well as the tropical hues of the jungle animals; or a beach theme, which will entail the use of blues and light browns reflective of the sand and the sun.

Looking for Designs to Make the Ideas Authentic

To portray life, you can choose to go to bookstores and look for pieces on stencils and stencil works. Ample books have been written on stencils to benefit people who want to use stencils when decorating a room. Some of them even include stencil samples per se, which makes life much simpler. If you intend to use stencils that are available in the store or free found in free books, make sure that these are applicable for the size of the room and the wall where you will use them.

Should the design(s) you want to work with not be available as stencil plates in the art shops or in books, all you need to create your own stencil is a thin plastic strip or acetate film. Draw the design you want on this plastic film in the scale you need, and carefully cut the design out. The pieces you cut out, you may discard; the plate from which you cut the design becomes the stencil you'd create your design.

Making the Design Your Own

At times, you may find no design or scale that fits your purpose. When this happens draw your design on a piece of paper: include the various shades of color you want to incorporate. This will later serve as your guide as you work on your wall

Make a copy of your original design in black and white making sure that the detail is quite clear. Take this to a photocopy center where they can print the copy on a transparency. Again make sure the detail and nuances are evident.

Once you return home, return to your wall with an overhead projector and flash the transparency onto your wall. You now have a template of the design you want on your wall. Position the projector nearer the wall to make the design appear smaller, and farther away to achieve the opposite effect.

You may opt to trace the projected image on the wall with a pencil, or just flash the image on the wall when painting.

Getting Ready to Paint and Stencil

Make sure you have the right materials for stenciling and painting your walls. Acquire a stencil brush that is used specifically for stenciling, or a paint brush that is in the same width as the stripes, lines, or designs you want to incorporate in your design.

Purchase a water-resistant adhesive tape, which you can use to attach and secure the stencil plate to the wall while painting. Water-resistant adhesive tape may also be used to protect areas you don't want to paint, as well woodwork, glass, etc.

The grandiose appearance of a mural on the wall, especially in a design that's truly your own, is a reward in itself. Include your family or friends as you work to bring more personality to the work, as well as to avoid getting over tired when working by yourself. Don't be afraid to use the mistakes made when painting and stenciling as a basis for better designs; some mistakes may be repaired or enhanced to create beautiful designs.