Do it yourself painting tips: choosing exterior paint in texas

No doubt about it, it's hot in Texas. One thing the hot sun in Texas has a tendency to do and that's peel the paint job right off your house. After a couple of years, some paints leave your house already needing a new coat. Because of the scorching southern sun, it's important to choose just the right paint for your home. One consideration is the color of the paint. A dark color will draw more sunlight your way, so choose a light color such as white, beige or even a very light blue. The very most important part of choosing a paint, though, are the ingredients. A paint that contains acrylic is perfect for hot Texas days, since it adheres better than previous top-rated paints and withstands great temperatures easier. Most latex exterior paints nowadays are acrylic, making the job of choosing the proper paint a little easier.

Different people will suggest different brands of paint for the job, but to find out what's really the best paint for your home, check the warranty on the can. Some paints are warranted for 10, 15 or 20 years, and the higher this number, the better off you are when choosing paint for your Texas home. Although a paint might warranty a product for 15 years, that doesn't really mean that the paint will look as good as new, 15 years from now. It basically means some paint will still be adhering to the structure after 15 years. But, for judging a paint for purchase, this number is relevant in that it shows how much confidence the manufacturer has in the paint's ability to withstand the elements.

The very best way to decide on a paint is to check with magazines, web sites and other sources to see what paint consumers voted as tops. Reading the opinions of previous consumers of the paint is one of the best ways to find out what performance the paint has given. A manufacturer can make many claims, but consumer opinions are often the proof of how good the product really is. Don't use once source, though, since this single source might not give total accuracy. Read several different sources, then make your decision. Just because a paint is popular or expensive, doesn't mean it's the right choice. Because of changes made to the formula from time to time by the manufacturer, some paints which used to be rated highly by the consumers have taken a nosedive over the years. Many of these changes have to do with price cuts, thus the concern over the actual formula and performance. So, a paint which was considered the best when you were a child, might not rate as high by today's standards.

When it's time to paint your home, use a good primer first. If your home is dark and you'll be lightening it up, use a light primer, like white. If your home is light and you'll be going to a slightly darker color, tint can be added to your primer, if desired. It's important to get a good, thick coat of primer on before painting. You might even want to go with 2 coats of primer, since this is the foundation to which your paint will adhere. Next, apply a coat of paint, dry and apply a second coat. If the color is a light color, some people apply a third coat of paint before trimming out woodwork around doors and windows.

Eventually, all painted surfaces must be re-painted, that's a fact of life, but to get the best performance and the most years out of your paint, do a little research before making a final decision, then do the best job possible when actually applying the paint. The sun in Texas really is very hot, and no paint will withstand this for as many years as it would on a home in another part of the country, so plan on re-painting your house about every 10 to 15 years, even if you've chosen the highest rated paint available.