Achieving color in your flower garden

Color should actually be the first thought of any gardener: even though the design is pretty basic, depending on the room you have to spare for your flower garden, color goes along with the name flower garden. Color is the way that a person's eyes are attracted to your flower garden, don't forget that and you will get the maximum enjoyment from your flower garden if the colors are properly located, so much satisfaction. I always have had lots of satisfaction from my flower gardens over the many years I have been

tending and planning and changing.

Remember, there are three primary colors: red, blue, yellow and three intermediate colors: orange, voilet(or purple) and green. These six are basic colors and all others are derived from these six colors. Just knowing this will help you to make the best decisions in deciding how to place the flowers in your flower garden.

If you were to draw a diagram such as the first one I am demonstrating you would place the six colors clockwise in a circle, starting with red, then make the color range progress to orange, yellow, green, blue and then violet. Then you would put red and green opposite each other and then violet and yellow and blue and orange. These colors paired together are called complimentary colors, and will make their partner color seem more vivid and bright when placed next to them. If you then make these color combinations you will be placing the flower garden to the best advantage for color. Certainly there are other color combinations you might prefer but this is my thought on the first plan.

Now another plan would be to consider further points such as all color has three dimensions, which can be measured. These dimensions are called hue (this means the color, such as red, green or blue), their value (meaning the light given in any color) and chroma (this means the purity or strength of the color). Image a globe filled with every color known, and arranged like the sections in an orange. Around the equator would be the purest and clearest colors, then stretching out toward the north pole each color would gradually lose its own value or identity until white is reached. White is actually a combination of all colors, then downward toward the south pole, each color would increase in intensity or value until no light is left and at the bottom there is no color. The lack of all color is actually black.

So when you plan your flower garden you will need to do more than just plan a pleasing color combination. You need to think of how it will look in the morning, during the day and also at night and after considering all these conditions pick the best color combinations of all. Say a pure red is really attractive in one location by itself, but in another it has to be in harmony with other flowers.

In other words, try to balance the colors in your flower garden: plan your colors and I just know that your flower garden will succeed both physically and visually.