Painting your interior walls

Painting a room can be a difficult chore that will all tend to put off for years. You can wallpaper your wall but it can peel off and be more difficult to keep up in the long run.

Here is how you can paint your walls with ease.

1) Before you paint your walls their final color, fill in the holes in your walls. Take out any thing on your walls: screws, hooks, adhesive, etc. Wash your walls. Remove all the wallpaper.

2) Protect your carpet and furniture from damage. Cover the furniture and floor with drop cloths. Apply masking tape to the bottom and top of your walls and outlets.

3) Paint over your wall with primer. This allows you to get your wall the desired color and help it have a uniform color.

4) Then select the color you would like. You have a choice of many finishes: flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Talk with the associate in your local hardware store to determine the difference as well, as to determine which one is right for you. Different finishes are ideal for different rooms. You can paint the wall in the following order: ceiling, corner, walls, windows, edges.

5) You can use either a brush or roller to paint your wall. Apply paint from the top down. Or use a zigzag formation. Many prefer to have the zigzag format to prevent streaking on the walls after they dry. Whatever you do be consistent.

7) Wait a couple of hours and allow the paint to dry thoroughly.

8) Proceed to paint your wall again. If the wall is not the desired color or design, paint your walls again.

9) You can now remove the masking tape. And paint the areas the area.

Wait at least three hours then proceed to remove all the drop cloths that protected your furniture. To be safe, wait at least a day to hang pictures.