Winter bamboo flooring maintenance skills

As the winter seasonal, and the unique physical properties of bamboo products, the experts remind: the winter need to focus on conservation of bamboo flooring. Therefore, the author under the guidance of experts specialized in finishing a heavy winter bamboo flooring Conservation Collection.

First, maintain good indoor ventilation and dry

Bamboo flooring can often ventilated in the distribution of chemical substances as soon as possible, so that the indoor humid air circulated as soon as possible to reduce the erosion of the floor.

Second, avoid sun exposure and to get wet

Note that, over the sun will accelerate the aging of paint and plastic, can also cause shrinkage and cracking of the floor. Therefore, in daily use as possible to avoid sun exposure and to get wet.

Third, to avoid damage to the floor surface

During normal use or hard objects should be avoided as much as possible the impact, sharp scratches, friction, metal, chemicals can not be stored indoors. Especially in public places to be in the main channel blanket carpet.

Fourth, the correct cleaning care

In daily use, should regularly clean the floor, keeping the floor clean and sanitary. When cleaning, be the first with a clean broom to sweep dust and debris, and then wring the water and then manually clean cloth, such as the area is too large, cloth mop can be washed, drip dry and then hang up and drop, to net drag the ground. Cut can not be directly washed with water, nor can clean wet cloth or mop. If conditions permit, you can also play from time to time between the layer of floor wax to enhance the protection of the floor.