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Interior Decorating > Fun and Exciting Decorative Ideas for your Kid's Bedroom

Fun and Exciting Decorative Ideas for your Kid's Bedroom

The fun part about decorating your kid's bedroom is the fact that you can let your inner child do the planning and decorating. It is like being a child once again-choosing cartoon characters, selecting fancy and bright colors, and letting your imagination soar high.

The wall of your kid's bedroom is the place you should start with since this is the part of the room that is first seen when you walk into it. You have many choices of wall arts that you can use to turn plain boring walls into marvelous walls that your kid will surely love. You can choose to hang photographs, framed print outs, murals, metal wall sculptures, wallpapers, drawings and many others.

Here are some great tips on how to make the decorating activity a blast.

1. Involve your kid with the planning
The most important thing about decorating your kid's bedroom is making sure that he is involved in the process of planning and conceptualizing especially if he is already in the right age. This way, you will be able to know his ideas and suggestions, and ensure that the outcome of the room will be something that he will like. Moreover, this will be a nice quality bonding time for the both of you.

2. Choose a theme
A theme makes it easy for you to decorate the whole room because you can coordinate all the decorative elements and the pieces of wall arts with the theme. Some of the themes you can choose include cowboys, dinosaurs, solar system, under the sea, firefighters, superheroes, royalty and kingdom, and cartoon characters. Again, make sure that you ask your kid for his suggestions when choosing a theme for his room.

3. Incorporate your kid's personal favorites
Do not forget to include pieces of wall arts that depict your kid's preferences and hobbies. For example, if he were into sports, he would surely love to have a sports wall art as a decor for his personal space. A tropical wall hanging meanwhile will surely delight a kid who loves going on vacations in the tropics.

4. Personalize the wall decor
Making your own wall decor and personalizing them will surely make the whole decorating activity even more fun. You can hang photos of the whole family, of your kid with his friends, and even his own artworks like the paintings or sculptures he has made if there are any.

5. Be careful on the choices that you make
Always remember that your kid's safety should always be your top priority. This goes same for decorating your kid's bedroom. Make sure that all the wall decor and accessories are suitable and safe for your child and his age.

For example, there are some metal wall sculptures that may be too big or heavy and should not be placed in your kid's bedroom. Opt for metal wall sculptures that are not only fun and exciting but are also lightweight and safe for your kid's bedroom.

A kid's bedroom is probably one of the most fun rooms to decorate in the whole house. In addition to this, many wonderful furniture, accessories and wall decorative ornaments can make the activity even more exciting.

To have a fun and worthwhile decorating activity with your child, make sure you involve your kid with the planning, choose a theme, incorporate his favorites, personalize the wall decor and be careful on the choices that you make.

Visit for more tips on home decorating and sports wall art.

By:Jessica Ackeman
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