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Interior Decorating > Easy Bathroom Remodeling

Easy Bathroom Remodeling

If you are considering remodeling your bathroom, make sure you are aware of the points that need to be thought of. Apart from the basics, like clean smooth surfaces and shining interiors, a look at the other factors, like your budget and your expectations and you limitations, is necessary. Your remodeling should be planned depending upon the type of bathroom in your house or apartment.

Chalk Out a Plan

Plan the extent of your remodeling and design on a piece of paper. If you are happy with the design and layout of your present set up, just a few things need to be changed. This may be simple surface alterations, which include merely covering the old surfaces with new ones. If you want to change the layout as well, then it involves a bit more work. And then you might want to tear down the whole bathroom and start remodeling your bathroom from scratch. Thus you need to decide what you are looking for. You must also make sure you are aware of the laws regarding design and construction to save yourself from fines.

Check The Costs Involved

Remodeling your bathroom can prove to be expensive. This is because of the number of different tradesmen involved. You need a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter just to name a few. Each has their own costs which add up to the total cost. If you think you would need money, the most common way is to go for a home equity loan. You may also check with your bank for other programs available for you.

Employ A Contractor

If you are not sure about how to go for remodeling your bathroom, there is always the option for hiring a contractor. If you are just looking at surface alterations, it should be easy enough for you to do it yourself. But more complex remodeling, like starting from scratch, can cause a lot of headache. Contracting a pro ensures all responsibility to be off your shoulder. However only hire a licensed contractor. Apply for the electrical and building permits well in advance, without which the contractor will not be able to start his job.

Structural Changes

It is a good idea to install special moisture resistant drywall, also called 'green board', if your bathroom has a moist environment. Other very wet areas are very good suited with moisture proof backer board. These boards are best suited for showers and baths. Generally there is no need to replace anything beyond the wall board, unless the wall studs and joists have gone really bad.

Shower And Tub

Cracks in an acrylic or fiberglass tub can be self repaired. Such repairs cost very less. However, refinishing is a must if the tub is stained or discolored. A bath tub liner may be used which is like a coating over your existing tub. You can go for a tiled shower or a pre-fab tub or shower.

Choose Your Flooring

Consider flooring while remodeling your bathroom. Moisture often cause the maximum damage to floors. Apart from hardwood flooring (which is not a preferred option, owing to its incapability to sustain against moisture) there are other a few options. Most noted are ceramic tiles, laminate flooring and engineered flooring. Bathrooms can change the looks and feel of your entire home. That is why serious considerations need to be made while remodeling your bathroom.

By:Arthur Prudent

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